
The Ultimate Guide to Dosage Recommendations of Paracetamol Syrup for Kids

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Whenever your child gets a fever, paracetamol is usually given. Do you know the right dosage of paracetamol syrup for kids?

Paracetamol syrup is a go-to solution for parents who are seeking to alleviate their children’s pain and fever.

Paracetamol is absolutely 100% the safest medicine if you take it at the right time and right dose. 

Since paracetamol is an OTC (over-the-counter) medicine or non-prescription drug, it is readily available in pharmacies.

This medicine comes in the market in various dosage forms (such as syrup, drops, tablets), strength (such as 120mg/5ml, 125mg/5ml, 250mg/5ml), and brand names (such as Paracip, Pyrigesic, Calpol, Dolo, Sumo L, etc.). 

Sometimes, we usually get confused – 

How much?

How often?

& Which one should I give paracetamol to our child?


You’re not the only one experiencing this problem. A lot of people do not know the correct dosage of paracetamol.

Suppose you unintentionally give a high dose of paracetamol to your kids. In that case, the overdose of paracetamol may cause acute liver failure, especially in children whose age is less than 5 years. Sometimes, it could be fatal in infants

So, the dosing error of paracetamol is the most significant concern in public health. 

This article will discuss the proper dose of paracetamol syrup for kids. Let’s start it. 


How much paracetamol drops for baby?

A paracetamol dose calculator can be a valuable tool in determining the appropriate dose based on various factors such as age, weight, and medication formulation.

According to a study, paracetamol is the only medicine to treat fever if your baby is less than 3 months old. 

For infants, you need to give paracetamol 15 mg/kg dose every 4-6 hours intervals. 

paracetamol syrup for kids

Paracetamol drops dosage for 2 months baby

In neonates, there is a higher chance of liver toxicity. 

The main reason is that the conjugation pathway (or glucuronidation process) has yet to fully develop in small children, especially those under two years of age. As children grow, the glucuronidation process starts to develop, and this could take two years to fully mature. 

Due to this conjugation deficiency, NAPQI makes a covalent bond with hepatocytes (liver cells) that damages your child’s liver. 

Therefore, paracetamol is not recommended in newborn children. You should strictly avoid paracetamol in a newborn baby or weight less than 2 kg unless prescribed by a doctor. 

Paracetamol drops dosage for 3 months baby

Accurately dosing paracetamol drops for a 3-month-old baby involves calculating the correct amount based on weight and following pediatric guidelines.

Generally, each ml of paracetamol drop suspension contains 100 mg of paracetamol. If you want to calculate the paracetamol dose properly, you should be aware of your child’s weight. 

For example, if your 3-month-old baby weighs 6 kg and the recommended dose is 15 mg/kg. 

Dosage (in mg) = Baby’s weight (in kg) × Recommended dose (in mg/kg)

Dosage = 6 kg × 15 mg/kg = 90 mg

For a 3-month-old baby who weighs 6 kg, the recommended dosage of paracetamol would be 90 mg per dose.

If your paracetamol drops strength is 100 mg/ml. Then, you have to put it into the below formula – 

Paracetamol drops dosage calculation = required dose/strength of drops

=90 mg /100 mg/ml ≈ 0.9 ml 

You will require 0.9 ml paracetamol drops for 6 kg baby weight. 


Paracetamol drops dosage for 6 months baby

To calculate the dose of paracetamol drops for a 6-month-old baby, you need to multiply the recommended dose of paracetamol by your child’s body weight. 

It is assumed that a 6-month-old baby’s weight would be 7 kg. 

Dosage (in mg) = Baby’s weight (in kg) × Recommended dose (in mg/kg)

Dosage = 7 kg × 15 mg/kg = 105 mg

Paracetamol drops dosage calculation = required dose/strength of drops

=105 mg /100 mg/ml ≈ 1.05 ml 

You will require 1.05 ml paracetamol drops for 7 kg baby weight. 

Paracetamol dosing chart for infants:

paracetamol syrup for kids


How much paracetamol syrup can I give my child?

Determining the correct dosage of paracetamol syrup for kids is crucial for ensuring safety and effectiveness. 

Here, you will be provided general dosage recommendations based on age and weight, but it’s always essential to consult your child’s paediatrician before administering any medication.

Paracetamol syrup for children is commonly available in a variety of strengths, including 120 mg/5 mL, 125 mg/5 mL, and 250 mg/5 mL.

You will require the recommended dose of paracetamol and the child’s weight. Globally, it is generally suggested to take a paracetamol dose between 10 to 15 mg/kg.

Here, we will calculate a safe paracetamol dose for your child by simple body weight. 

For example, let’s assume your child’s body’s weight is 20 kg. You need to just multiply the child’s body weight by the recommended dose of paracetamol. After that, you divide it by the required strength of paracetamol syrup.


Using a Paracetamol Dose Calculator for Syrup 120 mg/5ml

Dosage (in mL) = (Child’s weight in kg × Desired dose in mg/kg) ÷ Concentration of paracetamol in mg/mL

Dosage = (20 kg × 15 mg/kg) ÷ (120 mg/5 mL)

= (300 mg) ÷ (120 mg/5 mL)

≈ 12.5 mL

Thus, if you were using syrup with a concentration of 120 mg/5 mL, you would give roughly 12.5 mL of the syrup to a child weighing 20 kg.

paracetamol syrup for kids

Paracetamol Dose Calculator for Syrup 125 mg/5ml

Dosage (in mL) = (Child’s weight in kg × Desired dose in mg/kg) ÷ Concentration of paracetamol in mg/mL

Dosage = (20 kg × 15 mg/kg) ÷ (125 mg/5 mL)

= (300 mg) ÷ (125 mg/5 mL)

≈ 12 mL

You would require 12 ml paracetamol syrup 125mg/5 ml for a 20 kg body weight child.

paracetamol syrup for kids


Paracetamol Dose Calculator for Syrup 250 mg/5ml

Similarly, the dose would be changed, if you were using paracetamol syrup 250 mg/5 ml concentration.

Dosage = (20 kg × 15 mg/kg) ÷ (250 mg/5 mL)

= (300 mg) ÷ (250 mg/5 mL)

≈ 6 mL

So, you would require 6 ml paracetamol syrup 250mg/5ml for a 20 kg body weight child.

paracetamol syrup for kids


paracetamol syrup for kids

How do you calculate paracetamol syrup for toddlers or preschoolers?

As we have seen, there are three things you need to pay attention to –

  • Find out the child’s weight in kilograms (kg).
  • Determine the concentration of paracetamol in the syrup (e.g., 120 mg/5 mL or 250 mg/5 mL).
  • Use the recommended dosage for paracetamol, which is generally 10-15 mg/kg


With these parameters, you can calculate paracetamol syrup for your kids whether they are toddlers/preschoolers (2 to 3 years) or five years old.


For paracetamol syrup 120 mg/ml for toddlers

Suppose you have paracetamol syrup 120 mg/5 ml of strength. This means each 5 ml of syrup contains 120 mg of paracetamol.

You know the suggested dose of paracetamol is 15 mg/kg. Generally, it is expected that the body weight of toddlers/preschoolers (2-3 years) is 13 kg.

The required dose of paracetamol would be (13 x 15) 195 mg.

Dosage (in mL) = (Child’s weight in kg × Desired dose in mg/kg) ÷ Concentration of paracetamol in mg/mL

Dosage = (13 kg × 15 mg/kg) ÷ (120 mg/5 mL)

= (195 mg) ÷ (120 mg/5 mL)

≈ 8.1 mL

You would require 8.1 ml of paracetamol syrup 120 mg/ml for toddlers.


For paracetamol syrup 250 mg/ml for toddlers

Dosage (in mL) = (Child’s weight in kg × Desired dose in mg/kg) ÷ Concentration of paracetamol in mg/mL

Dosage = (13 kg × 15 mg/kg) ÷ (250 mg/5 mL)

= (195 mg) ÷ (250 mg/5 mL)

≈ 3.9 mL

You would require 3.9 ml of paracetamol syrup 250 mg/ml for toddlers.


How much paracetamol should a 10-year-old have?

If your child’s age is 10 years old, it is generally expected to be 32 kg.

Required dosage (in mg) = Child’s weight (in kg) × Recommended dose (in mg/kg)

= 32 kg x 15 mg/kg

= 480 mg

You would require 480 mg for 10 years old kid, whose body weight is 32kg.

It is not required to give syrup or suspension in this age group. You can give paracetamol 500 mg tablet to 10-year-old children every 4-6 hours.


Is paracetamol suppository safe for kids? How does it work? 

Suppose your child is having excessive vomiting during high-grade fever. In this condition, your kids can not take paracetamol orally.

In that case, paracetamol suppository can help manage pain and fever in children.

You may insert a paracetamol suppository into the rectal route of your kid.

Paracetamol suppository is a better alternative to oral paracetamol medication and paracetamol injections. It is very easy to administer to children even if they sleep.

As far as the mechanism is concerned, the paracetamol suppository goes to the intestine; it melts and quickly absorbs through the intestinal mucosa. Eventually, it enters your bloodstream and goes to your brain.

Once it reaches your brain, it reduces the elevated body temperature or relieves pain.

The recommended dose for paracetamol suppository per kilogram (kg) of body weight ranges from 10 to 15 milligrams (mg).

For example, if a child weighs 10 kilograms, it would require 10 kg x 15 mg/kg = 150 mg

You may get paracetamol suppositories with different brands and doses, such as –

  • Neomol 80/250 mg anal suppository
  • Tylenol 100/200/350 mg anal suppository
  • Rectol 125 mg anal suppository


What happens if a child has too much paracetamol?

A paracetamol overdose in children is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. 

Paracetamol is itself a toxic drug because it contains a poisonous metabolite – NAPQI, which is dangerous for our liver.

Fortunately, the liver helps to detoxify the NAPQI metabolite through the glucuronidation process.

If a child consumes too much paracetamol, it can lead to an overdose, which is a serious medical condition that can cause significant health problems, particularly affecting the liver. 

Your child might have symptoms of paracetamol overdose in three stages – 

  • Stage 1: (Within 24 hours after overdose) – Nausea, vomiting, lethargy, sweating, pallor (pale skin), and anorexia (loss of appetite).
  • Stage 2: (Within 24 – 72 hours after overdose) – Right upper quadrant abdominal pain, elevated liver enzymes (AST, ALT), elevated bilirubin, and possible hypoglycemia.
  • Stage 3: (Within 72h-96h) Jaundice, coagulopathy (bleeding disorders), hypoglycemia, hepatic encephalopathy, and potential multi-organ failure.


Therefore, Paracetamol is not recommended for infants weighing less than 2 kg due to the risk of hepatotoxicity.


What can be the side effects of paracetamol in children?

Paracetamol does not cause any major side effects if it has been taken for a short time.

The dosing error could be an important factor in the side effects of paracetamol. An incorrect dosage of paracetamol may cause acute liver failure in children.

In a research study, it was also found that the inappropriate dose of paracetamol may cause long-term neurodevelopment problems in infants and children.

There are three most common dosing errors, including –

  • If you have taken an excessive recommended dose of paracetamol
  • If you are taking paracetamol dose too frequently (more than 4 times a day)
  • If you are taking paracetamol for an extended period



Paracetamol syrup is a trusted and effective solution for managing pain and fever in children. Its ease of use, effectiveness, and safety make it a preferred choice among parents and healthcare providers. 

The general recommendation is to take 10-15 mg/kg per dose every 4-6 hours based on the child’s weight.

It is also convenient to use paracetamol suppositories for treating fever and pain in children, especially when oral medication cannot be utilized.

Overall, paracetamol is a safe, effective, and well-tolerated medicine with negligible side effects.

Always consult your healthcare professional before administering any medication to your baby, since they can provide personalized advice based on their specific needs.



Q 1. Which paracetamol syrup is good for kids?

The effectiveness of paracetamol does not depend on the brand name of the medicine. You can take any reputed brand of paracetamol, such as DOLO, Calpol, Paracip, SumoL, etc., in the recommended dosing strength. 

Q 2. What is the appropriate dose of paracetamol for pain management in children?

Always follow the bodyweight formula (10-15mg/kg) if you give paracetamol medicine to your child for pain management or fever. But if you are an adult, Paracetamol 650 mg is generally recommended for muscle pain, dental pain, period pain, back pain, and sore throat.

Q 3. What would be the paracetamol dose in pregnancy?

Since paracetamol is the first-choice painkiller for a pregnant female. As per a study, you can take 500 to 650 mg of acetaminophen every 4-6 hours, depending on your need; but it should never exceed the recommended maximum daily intake dose of 4000 mg.

Q 4. What would be the paracetamol dose for dengue fever?

Paracetamol is a recommended medication for dengue fever. If your child has dengue fever, you can give paracetamol syrup as per their body weight every 6 hours (maximum 4 doses per day). You can take a paracetamol tablet 500-650 mg every 6 hours for adults but not exceed the maximum daily dose of 4000 mg.

Q 5. What are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol suspensions used for?

You may give a combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol suspension if your child has pain or high-grade fever. Both ibuprofen and paracetamol are commonly used over-the-counter medications with analgesic (pain-relieving) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties.

Q 6. Can kids take mefenamic acid and paracetamol suspension for fever?

The mefanamic acid and paracetamol medications can be effective in managing fever, but it’s generally not recommended to give them together without consulting a healthcare professional, especially in children. The combination of mefenamic acid and paracetamol can increase the risk of side effects and complications, particularly in children, such as gastrointestinal irritation or bleeding. 

Q7. What are Aceclofenac and Paracetamol syrup used for?

Aceclofenac and paracetamol syrup is a combination medication used to manage pain and inflammation in children. This combination has anti-inflammatory,  analgesic and antipyretic properties to provide comprehensive relief from various conditions.

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